The SSP, developed by scientist Dr. Stephen Porges, uses the auditory system and its direct connection to the nervous system to restore the brain and body’s ability to find states of calm, safety, and regulation.

The programs of the SSP use modulated vocal music to engage the neural network associated with listening and the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the part of the nervous system responsible for rest, regulation, connection, and social engagement and is an important bidirectional pathway between the body and the brain. When the vagus nerve is stimulated, cognitive and emotional regulation is possible. And states of anxiety, stress, and overwhelm are minimized.

The safe and Sound protocol is based on the premise that as humans, our inner ear muscles (the strapedius) is not functioning (contracting and expanding) to allow for the perception that opens us to social engagement, connection, and the frequency of human speech. Our vagus nerve is directly linked to and responsive to the messages that we pick up from our middle ear. If our inner muscles are not working, and picking up only on frequencies associated with sympathetic threat our nervous system will be in a state of defence - and we will miss cues of safety and connection.

The SSP has 20 years of research behind it and lots of clinical experience to show that it's particularly beneficial for people with trauma backgrounds, autism spectrum disorders, other developmental disorders and any situation where social anxiety or relationship problems are causing the person to feel anxiety.

It is 5 hours of music, listened to through headphones. The frequency of listening is tailored to your needs.

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The Safe and Sound Protocol is a way to calm or regulate the fight or flight reflex that we all experience. For some this reflex is hyper aroused causing the individual to feel unsafe in their everyday environments. 

Improvements are commonly seen in some or all of the following areas:

  • Social and emotional difficulties

  • Auditory sensitivities

  • Anxiety and trauma related challenges

  • Inattention

  • Speech and Language processing (receptive and expressive)

  • Stressors that impact social engagement

  • Sleep

  • Picky eating

Explanation of the Safe & Sound Protocol

The SSP is based on the Polyvagal Theory. In this video Deb Dana describes the Polyvagal Theory.